Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rest Day (Film Shoot)

Diet: have sort of fallen off of it. Am committed to being more conscientious.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Crossfit — WOD

For time:

21 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
18 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
15 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
12 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
9 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
6 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters
3 Hip-Back Extensions
Run 400 meters


Yet another really tough one. I could have been much better to my back, but I wasn't. The running was a monster.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dojo Training

Ippon kumite (1.5 hours)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday - Wednesday: Healing Days

Back hurting again.  Really needed to rest it.  Felt better on Wednesday, but I didn't want to push it and injure it worse.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Crossfit — Fran

Thruster 65# (being careful of back)

21-15-9 reps


Did jumping pullups.

Fran is a monster workout in a very short amount of time.  I'm writing this two hours afterward, and I'm definitely feeling it.

I think next time I can up the thruster weight, but it's better to err on the side of caution with back issues.


1/3 cup coffee with Silk French Vanilla creamer

Brunch:  BBE Smoothie (2 cups water, 1/3 cup Ultimate Meal, 4 tbsp. brown rice protein, 2 drops vitamin A, 2 dropperfuls stevia, frozen blueberries, smoothie fruits, 1 banana)

Dinner:  2/3 package chana masala (spicy Indian chickpea dish) with a little white rice, spoonful mango chutney, spoonful vegan sour cream

Snack:  1/2 can Anne's vegetarian chili, dollup vegan sour cream

Cheating:  2 handfuls popcorn with brewer's yeast

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rest Day

Felt ill, very sore from Thursday's CrossFit, and had some back pain. Really tough to get out of bed this morning.

Went to the chiropractor and got adjusted, then used Rita's Burke-Williams present from the holidays. Had a little Japanese woman named Sara with hands like a pliers dig into all my muscles. Excruciating but excellent.

Tomorrow are 3-3-3-3 squats at CrossFit. A bit concerned about my back, but I'm willing to give it a shot if I can start slowly and see how things feel.


Breakfast: (weekly fun meal) 2 oat-rice protein blueberry pancakes with a little butter and maple syrup, 2 pcs. vegan sausage. Cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: (appetite came back some) Tofurky dog with vegan chili, dollup vegan mayo, ketchup, and sauerkraut. NO BUN.

Dinner: 1 Morningstar Farms vegan burger with ketchup. NO BUN. 3 Tbsp. hummus. 1/2 large apple.

Cheating: handful potato chips, 4 mini pretzels.

Wanted to eat more veggies today, but after the steamed vegetables on Thursday and the subsequent ill feeling, I couldn't stomach the thought.

Weight:  170.3 pounds.  I think I'm losing weight!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rest Day

Not feeling great. Took the day off. Going to bed early (10:45PM)


Breakfast: 2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch + Dinner: Feeling ill. Ate four teriyaki tofu strips from Whole Foods, made sushi and gyoza for me and Rita, only could eat a couple of pieces of sushi and a gyoza or two, felt ill.

Cheating: Couple bites of white rice, maybe a couple of other things. Definitely wasn't up to eating.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dojo Training + CrossFit WOD

2 workouts today!

Dojo Training (1.5 hours):

Ippon kumite (one-step sparring)
Kumite drills--step in punch, shift-reverse punch/step in front kick, leg switch another front kick
Jyu Ippon Kumite (one-step fee sparring)
Gankakku and Nijushiho + bunkai

CrossFit WOD:

First day at CrossFit Hollywood! Thanks, Andy!

50 Ring Dips
400 m Run
50 Pushups
400 m Run
50 Handstand Pushups
400 m Run


Absolute murder. Woo-hoo!

Did about 9 ring dips and then arms wouldn't do more. So after that I jumped up and ground out 41 reverses.
Pushups...usually I can knock out 50 or 60...did 9, then did one at a time and collapsed in a pool of my own drool and sweat each time.
Handstand pushups...did them with box. Did 9, then did 2 at a time and collapsed in agony each time until I hit 50.


Breakfast: 2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: BBE Smoothie (water + 4 heaping tbsp. brown rice protein + 1 scoop Barlean's greens, frozen blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and other fruit, 2 dropperfuls Stevia, 2 drops vitamin A, 1 capful vanilla extract.

Dinner: 1 Tofurky dog, smothered in sauerkraut, with ketchup and a dollup of vegan mayo, a whole bunch of steamed vegetables with miso dressing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rest Day (Film Shoot)

Was on set 7 hours today, acting the whole time, worked the rest of the day, energy too low to work out.


Breakfast: 2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: 2 pcs. shitake mushroom sushi (brown rice), 2 pcs. garden roll (small) (brown rice), broccoli with garlic and lentil salad.

Dinner: 1.5 cups unsweetened soymilk with two tbsp. brown rice protein, 1 scoop Barlean's Greens, capful vanilla extract, 1/2 dropperful Stevia extract

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dojo Training

Excruciatingly slow high kicks...

Side thrust
Reverse roundhouse
Back kick

...across the deck and back, placing foot 1/2-inch above partner's shoulder.

Finished with 2 full-power kata.


Breakfast: 2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: tried slow-grazing throughout the afternoon, low carb.

Dinner: plateful sauteed kale (1-2 tsp olive oil) with garlic and 1 handful pine nuts

Cheating: couple handfuls roasted wasabi peas

Monday, February 16, 2009

Crossfit — WOD

3 rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters (substituted 200 single-unders)

(did full Big Dawgs, just to see)


Crusher. Especially the burpees and jump rope work. Rowing, which is of course hard, was the least crushing of the three for me.

First set of single-unders was bad. Tried for 40 double-unders, but I kept tripping and knew the whole thing would take me an hour-and-a-half that way. Did a bunch of double-unders and maybe 50 single-unders total.

Completed 2nd and 3rd rounds of single-unders (200 each round). Threw a few double-unders in so I could start building good form.


breakfast: 1 oat-rice protein waffle, small amount of vegan butter, maple syrup, coffee with Silk creamer. lunch: 1 Tofurky brat, Amy's vegan chili, ketchup, dollup vegannaise, smothered in sauerkraut, NO bun. dinner: couple bites homemade vegetable tempura I made for the family, 4 small gyozas, 1 cup light soy milk with 4 tbsp rice protein, 1 scoop Barlean's Greens, 2 drops vitamin A, dropperful of Stevia.

Weight -- 171.5 pounds

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rest Day

Drove back from Pismo Beach.  Parents in town.


Brunch:  2 cups coffee with soymilk, 1/2 white roll, black bean burger with lettuce, tomato, hot sauce, ketchup, bun, side salad.

Dinner:  Japanese soup (vegan dashi stock, mushrooms, vegetables), 2-3 cups sake, pineapple.

Cheating:  4-5 handfuls wasabi peas, small handful Trader Joe's trail mix.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rest Day


Rita (wife) and I drove up to Pismo Beach for a well-needed, romantic Valentine's Day together while my parents were in town, taking charge of Julia (daughter).


Hey, I get a day off every week.

Breakfast:  1 New York Pick-a-Bagel everything bagel (1,000,000 calories and 10^4 grams of carbs), brought to Los Angeles by my parents.  Sliced in half, butter on one side, peanut butter & jelly on the other.  Coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch:  1.5 cups vanilla almond milk, 2 tbsp rice protein, 2 tsp greens powder, Stevia.

Snack:  a few handfuls Trader Joe's trail mix (almonds, cashews, dried cranberries)

Dinner:  Thai food in San Louis Obispo.  Eggplant salad with gooey sauce, coconut soup with vegetables, mock duck smothered in peanut sauce, 1 spoonful of rice.  Couldn't have been low in calories, regardless of carbs.

Right now:  drinking a glass of Crown Royal with ice.  If I don't take the occasional break, what's the point of it all?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Personal Training Session

30 mins:

3 sets:
Box--jump over-over-on. over-over on. 3 boxes.
10 pushups
20-30 arm curls (12 pounds)

3 sets:
Box--jump over-over-on. over-over-on. 2 boxes.
10 pushups
20 shoulder presses (12 pounds)
1-2 min wall sits, thighs parallel, arms straight in front

3 sets:
Box--jump over-over-on. over-over-on. 2 boxes.
10 pushups
20 squat-->arms straight--knees slightly bent (12 pounds)
20 bent rows (12 pounds)

Post-session: 40 air squats for good measure


Breakfast: 2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: Chinese restaurant...full plate of steamed vegetables and tofu with a little white sauce, 2 forkfuls of rice

Dinner: Homemade sushi dinner, Japanese cucumber salad, wakame, sauteed lotus root, seaweed salad

cheating: 2 handfuls roasted wasabi peas

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dojo Training

1-1/2 hour training.

Gyaku-zuki drills
Added kazami zuki

Sparring exercise—redux of last Thursday:

One side only kicking mae-geri or mawashi-geri with front leg.  Other side only punching kazami-zuki or gyaku zuki.


Breakfast:  2 pcs. Ezekiel bread with 1-1/2 tsp peanut butter and 2 tsp strawberry preserves, cup of coffee with Silk French vanilla creamer.

Lunch: BBE Smoothie--1/3 cup Ultimate Meal, 4 tbsp. rice protein powder, 1 scoop Barlean's Greens, 2 drops concentrated vitamin A, 2 dropper-fulls Stevia liquid, 1 capful vanilla extract, 1 frozen banana, handful frozen fruits, handful frozen strawberries, handful frozen blueberries. 

Dinner:  Tofurky dog, vegan chili, sauerkraut, mango chutney, ketchup.  NO bun.

cheating:  1 small handful tortilla chips, one spoonful Soy Delicious ice cream.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crossfit — WOD

25 Double-Unders
35-45# Squat Clean, 25 reps
25 Dips/Bench Dips
25 Double-Unders



Double-Unders:  single-unders are a cinch for me, but double-unders are currently a challenge.  I wanted to get 25 good ones on the first round, so every time I messed up, I kept trying until I got a good double-under.  So the first phase was a bear.  Found double-unders possible when I did about four single-unders, then sped up and got one double-under.  Probably 100+ jumps to get 25 good double-unders.

Squat-Clean:  I'm definitely not at the big dawg phase right now, so I used dumbbells...and figured, oh, let's try 40# each hand.   that was a nightmare.  Did about 2 of those, saw the complete lack of wisdom, ran over to 30# dumbbells and tried those, collapsed after about 3 of those, grabbed 15# dumbbells, back hurt after about 10 of those, grabbed 5# dumbbells, did about ten of those, went back to the 15# dumbbells.

Dips:  did assisted dips on plate #8.  Knocked about 25 out pretty fast.  Next time, I'll use less weight.

Double-Unders #2:  Totally winded, got about five out after stumbling about 20 times, did about 15 single-unders, made myself finish with five more double-unders after stumbling about 20 times.

After timer stopped, did 18 more assisted dips, just to burn out.  Felt like the first set was too easy.


173 pounds on the scale.  Going to get my body fat tested on Friday and really learn how much I can safely lose.  Fighting weight used to be 155#

Diet today--breakfast:  1 oat-rice protein waffle, small amount of vegan butter, maple syrup, coffee with French Vanilla silk creamer.  lunch:  1 bowl homemade carrot soup with a dollop of vegan sour cream, handful of tortilla chips (bad, I know).  snack:  1 griller's vegan burger with ketchup, NO bun, small handful raw cashews.  dinner:  1 spicy italian Tofurky dog, Amy's vegan chili, ketchup, dollup vegannaise, smothered in sauerkraut, NO bun.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dojo Training

Tekki 1-3, combination techniques, stance drills

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crossfit — WOD

5 rounds for time of:

1.5 pood Kettlebell swings, 15 reps (used 50# dumbbell)
15 GHD Sit-ups (used pilates ball with same movement)
15 Back Extensions
15 Knees to Elbows

3 minutes rest between rounds

Seriously struggled with knees to elbows
2nd round of dumbbell swings felt a back twinge, used 25# dumbbell for that round only

Stomach seriously sore for a couple of days...interesting...usually I can knock out lots of situps...but clearly the GHD situps use a different set of stomach muscles.

1) 2:54
2) 2:34
3) 2:37
4) 2:44
5) 2:40

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dojo Training

Basics, kumite, kata

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dojo Training

Kumite drill with partner:

One side only kicking mae-geri or mawashi-geri with front leg.  Other side only punching kazami-zuki or gyaku-zuki.

Beans in hand! Dropping beans = pushups

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crossfit — Barbara Lite

10 Pullups
20 Pushups
30 Situps
40 Squats

3:00 rest between rounds

5 rounds

1) 3:27
2) 3:01
3) 3:00
4) 3:00
5) 3:17

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dojo Training

Solid karate training day